Abarth 1000TC Winner of French Championship (advert expired)

For sale



Rating: 5

Technical specs

Engine size4
Year of first registration1963
CategoryVehicle between 1800 and 2004
Power115HP 84.582385KW
Euro classEuro0
Number of gears4
Type of vehicleCar
Number of previous owners0
Advert ID137561
Date of entry


Publishes ads since April 2016

Active ads: 3

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Abarth 1000TC Derision, regist. 08/1963, owner Pierre Brunetti *, Historic car which won many races. Registered in Fiscal 6 means that car was delivered as Abarth and not as Fiat 600. In 1988 sold to Pierre Brunetti who drove in 2003 and 2006 the championship against cars like Porsche 911, Camaro, BMW02 and was French Champion. The car is technically perfect.
The car has not been changed since it was raced and engine is the later a112 engine. Burdens people might be astonished that the car has no suezide doors. There macaws still the holding points viewable, it was changed for racing reasons.
(French car in this moment and in Germany)

Watch the Video under YouTube: Pierre Brunetti, Abarth 1000 TCs

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