
GO-KART 60cc (advert expired)

For sale

Rating: 5

Technical specs

Euro classEuro0
Number of gears0
Type of vehicleCar
Number of previous owners0
Advert ID80385
Date of entry


Publishes ads since April 2016

Active ads: 3

Advertiser's Personal page


I sell go kart - 60cc ,frame comer and WTP engine.The acquistai again in 2002 ,now they sell for disuse .E' in excellent condition,new engine,and perfect frame.I never did races.The kart è excellent for children from 12 years sù.For the kart ask only 500.00 euro.I can send anywhere ,with payment poste - pay.PLEASE CONTACT ME ONLY IF IT IS REALLY INTERESTED IN THE --BLOCKED--.NO E-MAIL.Hello.

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