I sell exchanges Fiat 600 Ds
For sale
Technical specs
Brand | FIAT |
Model | 600 |
Kilometres | 0 |
Body | Other |
Euro class | Euro0 |
Number of gears | 0 |
Type of vehicle | Spare part |
Number of previous owners | 0 |
Advert ID | 212960 |
Date of entry | 24/03/2015 |
I sell whole lottery exchanges you launch (chest, doorman, motor, lights, electric parts, etc) new and used revised, well kept. Available list pdf. what I can send on application as the site not me the position.
The material and visionabile to Monza, zone New Stadium
previous telephone warning to my number of jail cell.
Rest waiting for a sign of comparison, thanks and I cordially greets. Laura
I list Parts Of Exchange Fiat 600 Ds
Lighting, block scatolone for earth, closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3)
Lighting - mobile lock with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Window winder (mechanism) closet of forehead brings entry (in box wood)
Anterior moustaches with coat of arms closet to the right shutter next to window (part new in her
original wrapping)
Mobile steering lock with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) closet entry to
right shutter near it brings (4)
Spool n. 3 closet of forehead brings entry
Studs chromed wheels mobile n.9 with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) new, closet to
right shutter vicno brings entry (4)
Cap spinterogeno+bobine mobile n.3 with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Cap coil ignition closet to the right shutter near it brings (3)
Carburetor closet to the right shutter near it brings (2)
You extract opening chest closet of forehead it brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
door (4)
I extract accelerator closet of forehead it brings entry
Rim with pneumatic n. 1 after all to the left among the two closets
Rim n. 1 after all to the left among the two closets
Straps mobile fan with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Horn closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3), shutter near window
Anterior chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Back chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Collector of unloaded n. 2 closet of forehead brings entry
Frame chromed anterior lighthouses n.10, of which n. 6 piece of furniture with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) new;
closet entry shutter near it brings entry (2)
Frame dashboard lighting, with
scatolone for earth
Jack n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Cupolino light registers to the right closet shutter near window (1)
Deflectors n.2 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Mobile Devioluci with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) closet entry to
right shutter near it brings (3)
Lights back closet entry to the right shutter next to window (1)
Fascione under back chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Ferodi In mobile box with showcase shutter in low to the right, closet of
forehead brings entry (in box)
You filter to the left mobile air with showcase shutter - (no photo) closet entry to
right left shutter next to window -
Arrows - gems side closet to the right shutter near window (1)
I brake to hand closet of forehead it brings entry
Brake, cylinders back and anterior piece of furniture with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Friction, command release scatolone for earth
Friction, disk closet of forehead brings entry
Jaws you brake to the right closet shutter near it brings (5)
N sews together. 5 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Group I support motor closet of forehead it brings entry (in box)
Gaskets windscreen
mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Gaskets it makes a will to the right closet shutter next to window
Gaskets glasses scatolone for earth
Anterior lights of position white and
closet to the right, shutter near window (1)
Handle closing deflector closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
window (1)
Handles closing chest closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
window (1)
Handles inside cabin
Handles doorman n.3 closet of forehead brings entry - closet of forehead brings
entry (in box), closet to the right shutter near window (1)
Pots n.4 closet of forehead brings entry
Soft back suspensions n. 2 closet of forehead brings entry
Earth motor near closet of forehead brings entry
Moped d?starting closet entry to the right shutter next to window - n. 2 wrapping
I cut wheel n. 5 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) n. 4 closet of
forehead brings entry
Bumper anterior and back (blades) closet on the right aloft
Ashtray closet on the right shutter near it brings entry (6)
It pumps to the right gasoline closet shutter next to window. Of which 3 in wrapping
It pumps brakes closet of forehead it brings entry
Hands plates n.2 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) entry shutter
nearby window (1)
Right door n. 1 to earth to the right wine closet
Left door n. 1 to earth to the right wine closet
Radiator n. 2, of which n.1 new piece of furniture with showcase shutter in low to the left -
n.1 closet of forehead brings entry
Radiator (group fan) scatolone for earth - mobile with showcase shutter in low to the right
Radiator, conveyer mobile air with showcase to the left (shutter in low to the left)
Radiator, copriradiatore in handbag black closet of forehead brings entry
Radiator, mobile thermostat with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Regulator of tension closet of forehead brings entry
Rostrums bumper closet on the right shutter near it brings entry (6)
Box I filter to the right air closet shutter near it brings entry
Box I steer n. 2 piece of furniture with showcase shutter in low to the right
Back session after all to the left among the two closets
Semiasse n. 6 closet of fronta brings entry
Reservoir fuel for earth to the left near entry
Reservoir fuel, afloat closet to destdra, shutter near window (1)
Suspensions - arms closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
door (5)
Mirrors retrovisori external closet to the right shutter vicno brings entry (2)
Mirrors retrovisori inside closet to the right shutter vicno brings entry (2)
Spies lights inside cabin closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3)
I support to the left fan of mobile cooling with showcase shutter (no photo)
Speedometer n.2 closet to the right shutter next to window
Rugs closet on the right aloft
Windshield wipers (braccetti) closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (4)
Windshield wipers (brushes) closet to the right shutter near it brings (2)
Glasses anterior and back closet to the right shutter next to window
Fixed side glasses, car window and deflectors closet to the right shutter next to window
Police squad with block devioluci closet on the right aloft
The material and visionabile to Monza, zone New Stadium
previous telephone warning to my number of jail cell.
Rest waiting for a sign of comparison, thanks and I cordially greets. Laura
I list Parts Of Exchange Fiat 600 Ds
Lighting, block scatolone for earth, closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3)
Lighting - mobile lock with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Window winder (mechanism) closet of forehead brings entry (in box wood)
Anterior moustaches with coat of arms closet to the right shutter next to window (part new in her
original wrapping)
Mobile steering lock with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) closet entry to
right shutter near it brings (4)
Spool n. 3 closet of forehead brings entry
Studs chromed wheels mobile n.9 with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) new, closet to
right shutter vicno brings entry (4)
Cap spinterogeno+bobine mobile n.3 with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Cap coil ignition closet to the right shutter near it brings (3)
Carburetor closet to the right shutter near it brings (2)
You extract opening chest closet of forehead it brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
door (4)
I extract accelerator closet of forehead it brings entry
Rim with pneumatic n. 1 after all to the left among the two closets
Rim n. 1 after all to the left among the two closets
Straps mobile fan with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Horn closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3), shutter near window
Anterior chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Back chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Collector of unloaded n. 2 closet of forehead brings entry
Frame chromed anterior lighthouses n.10, of which n. 6 piece of furniture with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) new;
closet entry shutter near it brings entry (2)
Frame dashboard lighting, with
scatolone for earth
Jack n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Cupolino light registers to the right closet shutter near window (1)
Deflectors n.2 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Mobile Devioluci with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) closet entry to
right shutter near it brings (3)
Lights back closet entry to the right shutter next to window (1)
Fascione under back chest n. 2 pieces entry to the left
Ferodi In mobile box with showcase shutter in low to the right, closet of
forehead brings entry (in box)
You filter to the left mobile air with showcase shutter - (no photo) closet entry to
right left shutter next to window -
Arrows - gems side closet to the right shutter near window (1)
I brake to hand closet of forehead it brings entry
Brake, cylinders back and anterior piece of furniture with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Friction, command release scatolone for earth
Friction, disk closet of forehead brings entry
Jaws you brake to the right closet shutter near it brings (5)
N sews together. 5 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Group I support motor closet of forehead it brings entry (in box)
Gaskets windscreen
mobile with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Gaskets it makes a will to the right closet shutter next to window
Gaskets glasses scatolone for earth
Anterior lights of position white and
closet to the right, shutter near window (1)
Handle closing deflector closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
window (1)
Handles closing chest closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
window (1)
Handles inside cabin
Handles doorman n.3 closet of forehead brings entry - closet of forehead brings
entry (in box), closet to the right shutter near window (1)
Pots n.4 closet of forehead brings entry
Soft back suspensions n. 2 closet of forehead brings entry
Earth motor near closet of forehead brings entry
Moped d?starting closet entry to the right shutter next to window - n. 2 wrapping
I cut wheel n. 5 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left - (no photo) n. 4 closet of
forehead brings entry
Bumper anterior and back (blades) closet on the right aloft
Ashtray closet on the right shutter near it brings entry (6)
It pumps to the right gasoline closet shutter next to window. Of which 3 in wrapping
It pumps brakes closet of forehead it brings entry
Hands plates n.2 - mobile with showcase shutter to the left, (no photo) entry shutter
nearby window (1)
Right door n. 1 to earth to the right wine closet
Left door n. 1 to earth to the right wine closet
Radiator n. 2, of which n.1 new piece of furniture with showcase shutter in low to the left -
n.1 closet of forehead brings entry
Radiator (group fan) scatolone for earth - mobile with showcase shutter in low to the right
Radiator, conveyer mobile air with showcase to the left (shutter in low to the left)
Radiator, copriradiatore in handbag black closet of forehead brings entry
Radiator, mobile thermostat with showcase shutter to the left (no photo)
Regulator of tension closet of forehead brings entry
Rostrums bumper closet on the right shutter near it brings entry (6)
Box I filter to the right air closet shutter near it brings entry
Box I steer n. 2 piece of furniture with showcase shutter in low to the right
Back session after all to the left among the two closets
Semiasse n. 6 closet of fronta brings entry
Reservoir fuel for earth to the left near entry
Reservoir fuel, afloat closet to destdra, shutter near window (1)
Suspensions - arms closet of forehead brings entry, closet to the right shutter nearby
door (5)
Mirrors retrovisori external closet to the right shutter vicno brings entry (2)
Mirrors retrovisori inside closet to the right shutter vicno brings entry (2)
Spies lights inside cabin closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (3)
I support to the left fan of mobile cooling with showcase shutter (no photo)
Speedometer n.2 closet to the right shutter next to window
Rugs closet on the right aloft
Windshield wipers (braccetti) closet to the right shutter near it brings entry (4)
Windshield wipers (brushes) closet to the right shutter near it brings (2)
Glasses anterior and back closet to the right shutter next to window
Fixed side glasses, car window and deflectors closet to the right shutter next to window
Police squad with block devioluci closet on the right aloft
Brand | Model | Engine size | Year | Price |
FIAT | 600 | 633 | 1957-60 | n.d. |