New holland tl 90 To 6000 EUROSs (advert expired)

For sale

Rating: 5

Technical specs

Euro classEuro0
Number of gears0
Type of vehicleCar
Number of previous owners0
Advert ID123000
Date of entry


Publishes ads since April 2016

Active ads: 3

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New tractor holland tl 90 To
Year of registration 2005
It notices general (1 -5) 5
Is new tires before 95%
Output motor 90 CVs
Is new tires they postpone 95%
Number of preceding owners 1
Times of use 250 hs
Type of traction 4 wheels morici
Dimension of the tire before the 13.6R24
Dimension of the tires postpones 16.9R34
Cylinders 4 parts

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