
Peugeot 205 junior (advert expired)

For sale


Rating: 5

Technical specs

Euro classEuro0
Number of gears0
Type of vehicleCar
Number of previous owners0
Advert ID115350
Date of entry


Publishes ads since April 2016

Active ads: 3

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Peugeot 205 Junior 5p 954cc,1990, red pstello, original km102000 and tagliandati regularly.Basic version, without accessories.You intern in fabric rotten jeans,4.Auto under good conditions almost perfect --BLOCKED--, shiny and without rust, always hospitalized in almost new box;interni, not consumed, ever smoked inside.Impeccable mechanics, checked just and tagliandata, new dampers, gummed, battery --BLOCKED-- to faretantisimi km still!only owner, possibility of registration ASI.Difficulty to find another of it under these conditions

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