
1926/27 Ansaldo (advert expired)

Looking to buy


Rating: 5

Technical specs

Euro classEuro0
Number of gears0
Type of vehicleCar
Number of previous owners0
Advert ID125061
Date of entry


Publishes ads since April 2016

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I am' looking for x I purchase the car of the photo (it was of my grandfather) that and certainly an Ansaldo but I don't know the model. perhaps one 4c? I have not slightly seen any model with particularly the inferior profile of the doors curved as he/she is seen in photo all.original; in all the models the doors square son.
From the plate you/he/she can be gone up again?
I would be thankful to whom could give me information or to know to what historical or impassioned I could turn me.
I in advance thank

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