BORRANI REKORD (advert expired)
Looking to buy
Technical specs
Kilometres | 0 |
Euro class | Euro0 |
Number of gears | 0 |
Type of vehicle | Car |
Number of previous owners | 0 |
Advert ID | 1595 |
Date of entry | 25/05/2004 |
I look for you look for BORRANI REKORD to rays, attack to dice, measures: 5 - 5,5 xes 13, only if in good state.
The am looking for rims with spokes BORRANI REKORD, connection with nuts, measure: 5 - 5,5 xes 13, only in very good condition.
The am looking for rims with spokes BORRANI REKORD, connection with nuts, measure: 5 - 5,5 xes 13, only in very good condition.
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