Italian vehicles of the Second World War
Looking to buy
Technical specs
Kilometres | 0 |
Body | Other |
Euro class | Euro0 |
Number of gears | 0 |
Type of vehicle | Military vehicle |
Number of previous owners | 0 |
Advert ID | 261588 |
Date of entry | 02/06/2017 |
I look for, on behalf of an old friend, Italian vehicles of the Second World War and related spare parts.
Trucks, artillery tractors (spa TL37, TM40) military cars, tankettes etc. I'm not looking for motorcycles.
I am also looking for TM40 and tl37 bodywork only
ad always valid
Thank you
Trucks, artillery tractors (spa TL37, TM40) military cars, tankettes etc. I'm not looking for motorcycles.
I am also looking for TM40 and tl37 bodywork only
ad always valid
Thank you