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Results: 1 - 4 on 4


  • Fiat 500l ds el 1969

    Car | For sale


    I Sell Fiat 500l of 1969, ASI, blue dark 456, documents and plates original Kings, excellently preserved, I appraise possible exchange with auto of my…

    ID: 232277 | 18/03/2016

  • I sell fiat 500l 1969

    Car | For sale


    I sell fiat 500l, year 1969, blue dark color 456, ASI, documents and plates original Kings, excellently preserved, 28000km original, I am the third owner..x info…

    ID: 227602 | 02/01/2016

  • Fiat 500l 1969

    Car | For sale


    I sell Fiat 500l of 1969, blue dark color, plates and original (King) documents, ASI, completely original, Ever Restored, I sell to 5000â. ¬ or I exchange with fiat…

    ID: 192365 | 05/01/2014

  • I sell Fiat 500 Ls year 1969

    Car | For sale


    I sell Fiat 1969 500 Ls, blue dark color, perfectly preserved, ever restored, just effected revision with substitution vaschetta oil, points and muff air, enrolled…

    ID: 168154 | 30/11/2012