Advertiser Luca Cortini
Results: 1 - 9 on 9
Car | For sale
Auto under good conditions, affiliate to the historical registerID: 223247 | 21/10/2015
Luca CortiniCar | For sale
Auto cicolante and in good state. Just revised transmission, brakes and unloading. It misses soft top and telaietto.ID: 223240 | 20/10/2015
Luca CortiniCar | For sale
Circulating auto. deprived of soft top and telaietto. Excellent motor just revised transmission brakes and unloaded.ID: 223239 | 20/10/2015
Luca CortiniMotorbike | For sale
excellent, plate goldID: 223207 | 20/10/2015
Luca CortiniCar | For sale
Working auto with American insides not style decòID: 190422 | 22/11/2013
Luca CortiniCar | For sale
Working auto. It climbs on motor from 1300 ccs.ID: 190418 | 22/11/2013
Luca CortiniCar | For sale
Auto with body shop just repainted, new funds, soft new top and new rubbers. The insides are to complete good the seats. You delivers with fingernail you cover…ID: 190415 | 22/11/2013
Luca Cortini1952 | Car | For sale
Auto with plate now club faentino, good body shop and insides, a seen general coupon in garage is neededID: 190412 | 22/11/2013
Luca Cortini