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Results: 1 - 13 on 13


  • MGA Tamburi Freni - Coperchio Valvole

    Spare part | For sale


    Coperchio valvole in ottime condizioni per motori MGA di ogni cilindrata e anno 69 euro.

    ID: 279078 | 24/09/2018 | Bologna

  • Austin Healey 100 BN1s battitacco and panel co

    Spare part | For sale


    For Austin Healey 100 BN1s I absolutely offer new parts; battitacco with still plastics of protection and panel also it in aluminum that serves as coverage to the…

    ID: 252030 | 29/12/2016

  • Triumph T R4 and Tr4A

    Spare part | For sale


    I Offer that cannot be found stirrup for the block of the pomps brakes friction to European 99 European.

    ID: 243670 | 10/08/2016

  • Triumph T R 2/3/4 and 4A < span > exchanges you la

    Spare part | For sale

    For TR4 and TR4A valve PCV I recover vapors oil code Moss13H5191 to European 30. Pedaliera completes for Tr2 Tr3 and TR3A up to loom 29820, piis ¹…

    ID: 243669 | 10/08/2016

  • Triumph T R2 and TR3 < span > Original Radiator

    Spare part | For sale


    I Sell original Radiator from to restore for Triumph TR2 and Tr3.

    ID: 238775 | 08/07/2016

  • MGA sacc to Portadocumenti

    Spare part | For sale


    I Offer a back knapsack portadocumenti in alternative to the knapsack brings car windows what you/he/she must be climbed on behind the seats. E'in…

    ID: 232105 | 15/03/2016

  • Austin Hea ley 100 BN1s BN2 < span > Die chest Her

    Spare part | For sale


    I Sell die drawn by chest original, for the realization of the model Her Mans in endowment or optional To the cars Austin Healey 100 Bn1 and Bn2. As from…

    ID: 231579 | 06/03/2016

  • Triumph TR cover thermostat.

    Spare part | For sale


    Cover thermostat.

    ID: 227154 | 26/12/2015

  • MGA mechanisms apriporta and Plinth it brings ligh

    Spare part | For sale

    For MGA 2 mechanisms apriporta, doesn't know if they also go on other cars to European 45. Back Plinth for MGA 1600 to European 50.

    ID: 227153 | 26/12/2015

  • Trumpets Edelweiss "model of epoch"""

    Spare part | For sale


    Trumpets perfectly working, gifted also of the relay for a correct connection eletrico.

    ID: 227152 | 26/12/2015

  • Badge of epoch and door original badge

    Spare part | For sale

    Badge of epoch and door original badge and not recent copies. Prices to be arranged.

    ID: 212059 | 08/03/2015

  • Various parts for auto of epoch

    Spare part | For sale

    I offer various parts for auto epoch among which: pompettas sprinkle water glasses I stop key with key side small mirror in chromed metal lights position /…

    ID: 207730 | 17/12/2014

  • Manometers Smiths I oil etc water...

    Spare part | For sale

    European working various manometers of epoch to 30 to the piece. Consignment with European Italian Mails to 9. To contact: Max cell. xxxxx Mail: xxxxx

    ID: 207728 | 17/12/2014