Advertiser Pier luigi I.
Results: 1 - 2 on 2
I sell Alfa Romeo Duetto Sepia bone 1600
1967 | Car | For sale
I sell sepia bone cuttlefish 1600 of 1967, preserved all original (including 536 engine), fully functional and efficient, any test, registered RIAR and ASI. Cell…ID: 281429 | 20/11/2018 | Roma
Pier luigiLance Fulvia Coupà ¨ II series
1972 | Car | For sale
I sell Lance Fulvia Coupis 1972 ¨, black plates and original documents, in my possession from 1986. You condition good of body shop and mechanics, referred…ID: 279985 | 15/10/2018 | Monte Porzio Catone
Pier luigi