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Results: 1 - 4 on 4
1971 | Car | For sale
Volkswagen Maggiolone cabrio admitted in July 1971 black color, all original, black plates original prov. Turin original book (paper of circulation), restauration…ID: 266750 | 29/10/2017
Roberto1978 | Car | For sale
Alpha admitted Romeo Alfetta GT in the 1978 red color, all original, plates prov. Cosenza book (paper of circulation) duplicated for deterioration, total…ID: 266749 | 29/10/2017
Roberto1963 | Car | For sale
Fiat 600 Ds admitted in 1963 blue color, all original, three owners, original black plates prov. Cosenza book (paper of circulation) duplicated for deterioration,…ID: 266748 | 29/10/2017
Roberto1969 | Car | For sale
Fiat 500 admitted Ls l?8/02/1969 yellow color positano of series, all original, three Owners, black plates original prov. Chest of drawers book (paper of…ID: 266747 | 29/10/2017