Advertiser Stefano
Results: 1 - 6 on 6
Car | For sale
I sell lance beta coupis ¨ 1300 of the 1980. auto really under good conditions I sell for inutilizzo. tractable price slightly.ID: 232241 | 17/03/2016
StefanoCar | For sale
I sell beautiful 1956 MGA. Price a tractable pis².ID: 232239 | 17/03/2016
Stefano1980 | Car | For sale
auto really in order regularly maintained always. Few kilometers I sell for inutilizzo or I exchange with BMW 320 serious cabrios And 30.ID: 215458 | 12/05/2015
Stefano1980 | Car | For sale
Really perfect auto of the 1980. I sell or I permute with motion of epoch or with bmw 320 serious cabrios E30. to call evening times.ID: 201993 | 13/08/2014
StefanoI sell Ashley 750 sports it strikes
Car | For sale
I sell it strikes original of 1956/1957. Excellent to build a small boat 750 or 1100 with body shop original years 50. a little tractable price, sells or I permutes…ID: 201991 | 13/08/2014
StefanoCar | For sale
I sell rare Ashley 1172 of 1959, around 60 produced, complete auto to 95% from total restauration. Of sure historical interest and iscrivibile to almost all the…ID: 171098 | 17/01/2013