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Results: 1 - 6 on 6
1951 | Motorbike | For sale
wasp low lighthouse 1951-52 restored with original plate but removed with visura and certificate Piaggio for conformity I number motor with loom, full optionals…ID: 172203 | 03/02/2013
carlomajestic 250 year 2003 grey metallizzato
2003 | Motorbike | For sale
majestic 250 year 2003 unipròs grey color met. km.32000 stamped body shop good is ever accidents, perfect mechanics antifurto with remote control, sells for…ID: 172202 | 03/02/2013
carlo1951 | Motorbike | For sale
wasp 125 low lighthouse 1951-52 mod. Roman vacations restored, original plate removed with visura and certificate Piaggio of congruity and correspondence…ID: 170182 | 06/01/2013
carlo2003 | Car | For sale
matiz year 2003 mod. cyber green uniprò km.74000 conditioned air, radio, European perfect mechanics 1500ID: 170180 | 06/01/2013
carloyamaha majestic 250 2003 grey met.
2003 | Motorbike | For sale
majestic 250 year 2003 grey met. km.32000 around, uniprò, mechanics to place, sells for inutilizzo to European 1800ID: 170151 | 05/01/2013
carloMotorbike | For sale
vespa125 low lighthouse 1951-52 mod. Roman vacations restored with original plate, removed with chronological extract and certification Piaggio on congruity…ID: 170150 | 05/01/2013