Advertiser eugenio A.
Results: 1 - 21 on 21
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Restauro Generale strumentazione Alfa Romeo *STRUMENTI e i Calibri VEGLIA Per il Duetto Alfa Romeo*ID: 348437 | 30/04/2024 | Offenburg
eugenio1970 | Spare part | For sale
Revisione Generale fiat 500 Giannini xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxID: 347180 | 20/02/2024 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
Revisione generale del tachimetro 912 Possiamo contare sulla nostra lunga esperienza.restauro completo Porsche 912 Cambiare il tachimetroID: 341829 | 07/07/2023 | Offenburg
eugeniorestauro completo tachimetro porsche 993 è 911
Spare part | For sale
Restauro Porsche 964 Un problema comune con i calibri 964 e primi 993 è che la stampa originale sul quadrante affronta i fiocchi o diventa semitrasparente.…ID: 321249 | 01/12/2021 | Offenburg
eugeniorestauro completo tachimetro porsche 356
Spare part | For sale
eugenioTachometer Porsche 911 96464130100 VDO
Spare part | For sale
Porsche speedometer / tachometer combination tool --BLOCKED--0100 VDO: 333.240 / 006/001 Attention this series is limited for info --BLOCKED--0ID: 294701 | 19/11/2019 | Offenburg
eugeniofiat 500 odometer restored completely
Spare part | For sale
SPEEDOMETER FIAT 500 F R SPEEDOMETER totally revised as new with 24 months warranty see PhotoID: 294700 | 19/11/2019 | Offenburg
eugenioTachimetr or reconstructed VW Beetle 1968
Spare part | For sale
Speedometer reconstructed VW Beetle revised 1968 with indicative of level fuel Odometer up to 140 km with indicative of level fuel certificate and constant…ID: 277389 | 27/07/2018
eugenioTachimetr or VW Beetle Karmann Ghia
Spare part | For sale
Speedometer VW Beetle Karmann Ghia up to 200 km / h Speedometer up to 200 km / h New lodging galvanized Reconstructed revised new glass chromed…ID: 277390 | 27/07/2018
eugenioSpare part | For sale
complete restauration Porsche 356 to Change the speedometer from mph to kmh puis² very complex being As you return yourself account, to change the…ID: 276900 | 16/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioPorsche c ontachilometri complete restauration
Spare part | For sale
general Revision of the speedometer G-model 911 We can count on our long experience. General revision of the speedometer G-model 911 The reparation…ID: 276901 | 16/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
general Revision of the speedometer We can count on our long experience. General revision of the speedometer istrumenti The reparation of the…ID: 276898 | 16/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
Fondini instrumentation dashboard picture counts km Porsche Fondini it climbs 260 Km 300Km 320 KM 340Km e.ccs 911/964/993 new V_D_O 24 months of…ID: 276590 | 09/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioPorsche 9 11 964 993 fondinis speedometer
Spare part | For sale
Porsche --BLOCKED-- fondinis speedometer 1965-98 TOP attention no adhesive finishing touch of tall precision PORSCHE 911 fondinis speedometer…ID: 276586 | 09/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioPorsche In strumente Odometer revolution counter
Spare part | For sale
I Sell Porsche Instrumente contachilametri working revolution counter perfectly of the V D Or made in germany had ever opened since 1984 everything original…ID: 276587 | 09/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioPorsche c ontachilometri Frame rings
Spare part | For sale
Frame rings dashboard porche 911/964 steel simply from aplicare with b.adesivo of the 3m dengo to to specify that they are made out of steel and not of…ID: 276585 | 09/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
l your counter of the chilometraggio daily and total you/he/she has failed? You is stopped ¨ or done hook? This not is ¨ a problem, is happy to help and to…ID: 276583 | 09/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
general Revision of the speedometer G-model 911 We can count on our long experience. General revision of the speedometer G-model 911 The reparation…ID: 276584 | 09/07/2018
eugenioSpare part | For sale
Restauration Porsche 964 A problem common with the calibers 964 and first 993 is ¨ that the original press on the quadrant it faces the bows or it becomes…ID: 276581 | 08/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
we Offer a complete service of restauration and reparation from the first 911 to 964 / 993. We are 35 years old of experience in to restore the manometers…ID: 276580 | 08/07/2018 | Offenburg
eugenioSpare part | For sale
Service reparation and testing Km Porsche counts Available different speedometers Revolution counter of epoch, historical for Porsche subsequently they are…ID: 276576 | 08/07/2018 | Offenburg