Advertiser graziano
Results: 1 - 3 on 3
1969 | Car | For sale
Ford 20M from 1969, V4 1700 cc engine, km 117000, second owner, original plates, booklet pages, revision expires in October 2021. I sell at 6800 euros…ID: 302757 | 24/07/2020
graziano1994 | Car | For sale
Fiat stung Gt of the 1994 color white, completely original, inside equal to the new one, rubbers with alone 4000 km of route, tablets brakes and strap of…ID: 277932 | 17/08/2018 | Porto Sant'elpidiio (Fm)
graziano1969 | Car | For sale
Ford 20M XLs of the 1969 motor v4 1700cc documents and original black plates restored in the 2013 perchis ¨ slightly incidentata anteriorly < span…ID: 270961 | 28/01/2018